JLPN - Parrotia persica ‘JL Columnar’ - Persian Spire

Parrotia persica ‘JL Columnar’ PP24951

Parrotia persica ‘JL Columnar’ is selected at JLPN from a seedling block for its unique foliage and upright character. Bright and consistent fall color of red, orange, burgundy and yellow, based on climate and location. Prefers hot, humid climates and is excellent for growing in containers in greenhouses. Superior candidate for shrub or hedge growing.

JLPN - Parrotia persica - Persian Parrotia/Ironwood

Parrotia persica

Grown single stem or multi, Parrotia persica is outstanding in any form. Mature bark exfoliates in a patchwork of gray, green, white and brown, while the fall color is a mixture of reds and oranges. These can also be used as grafting under stock for the pendula and fastigiata forms.

JLPN - Nyssa sylvatica - Black or Sour Gum

Nyssa sylvatica

We grow the majority of our Nyssa sylvatica with the intent of them being used for grafting understock for the many popular cultivars, however it does make a beautiful tree straight from seed. Height 40’. Topped at 16” for bud/grafting understock.